Airline customers connection time preferences in domestic U.S. markets
Within the United States, there have been evolving perceptions on the benefits and disadvantages of using peaked flight schedules. Arguments in favor of using peaked schedules have centered on a traditional assumption that consumers prefer itineraries with the shortest connection. However, prior work based on stated preference survey data has suggested that consumers avoid itineraries with the shortest possible (or minimum) connection times, and prefer those that add in an additional buffer of up to 15 min. In this study, we use a revealed preference dataset based on ticketing data from major U.S. carriers and find that, on average, consumers prefer itineraries that add in an additional buffer time of up to 25 min. Consumer preferences for buffer times beyond 25 min are less clear, with the exception of markets that are less than 600 miles apart, in which we see consumers are more sensitive to longer buffer times (and by extension, longer connection times). Our results can be used to help inform depeaking decisions within U.S. markets.