Search for direct pair production of supersymmetric partners of τ leptons in the final state with two hadronically decaying τ leptons and missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at √s=13 TeV
A search for the direct production of a pair of T sleptons, the supersymmetric partners of T leptons, is presented. Each T slepton is assumed to decay to a T lepton and the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), which is assumed to be stable and to not interact in the detector, leading to an imbalance in the total reconstructed transverse momentum. The search is carried out in events identified as containing two T leptons, each decaying to one or more hadrons and a neutrino, and significant transverse momentum imbalance. In addition to scenarios in which the T sleptons decay promptly, the search also addresses scenarios in which the T sleptons have sufficiently long lifetimes to give rise to nonprompt T leptons. The data were collected in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV at the CERN LHC with the CMS detector in 2016-2018, and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 138 fb-1. No significant excess is seen with respect to standard model expectations. Upper limits on cross sections for the pair production of T sleptons are obtained in the framework of simplified models. In a scenario in which the T sleptons are superpartners of left-handed T leptons, and each undergoes a prompt decay to a T lepton and a nearly massless LSP, T slepton masses between 115 and 340 GeV are excluded. In a scenario in which the lifetime of the T sleptons corresponds to cT0 1/4 0.1 mm, where T0 represents the mean proper lifetime of the T slepton, masses between 150 and 220 GeV are excluded.
Funder | Grant Number |
BMBWF (Austria) | |
FWF (Austria) | |
FNRS (Belgium) | |
FWO (Belgium) | |
CNPq (Brazil) | |
CAPES (Brazil) | |
FAPERJ (Brazil) | |
FAPERGS (Brazil) | |
FAPESP (Brazil) | |
MES (Bulgaria) | |
BNSF (Bulgaria) | |
CERN (China) | |
CAS (China) | |
MoST (China) | |
NSFC (China) | |
MINCIENCIAS (Colombia) | |
MSES (Croatia) | |
CSF (Croatia) | |
RIF (Cyprus) | |
SENESCYT (Ecuador) | |
MoER (Estonia) | |
ERC PUT (Estonia) | |
ERDF (Estonia) | |
Academy of Finland (Finland) | |
MEC (Finland) | |
HIP (Finland) | |
CEA (France) | |
CNRS/IN2P3 (France) | |
BMBF (Germany) | |
DFG (Germany) | |
HGF (Germany) | |
GSRI (Greece) | |
NKFIH (Hungary) | |
DAE (India) | |
DST (India) | |
IPM (Iran) | |
SFI (Ireland) | |
INFN (Italy) | |
MSIP (Republic of Korea) | |
NRF (Republic of Korea) | |
MES (Latvia) | |
LAS (Lithuania) | |
MOE (Malaysia) | |
UM (Malaysia) | |
BUAP (Mexico) | |
CINVESTAV (Mexico) | |
CONACYT (Mexico) | |
LNS (Mexico) | |
SEP (Mexico) | |
UASLP-FAI (Mexico) | |
MOS (Montenegro) | |
MBIE (New Zealand) | |
PAEC (Pakistan) | |
MES (Poland) | |
NSC (Poland) | |
FCT (Portugal) | |
MESTD (Serbia) | |
MCIN/AEI (Spain) | |
PCTI (Spain) | |
MOSTR (Sri Lanka) | |
Swiss Funding Agencies (Switzerland) | |
MST (Taipei) | |
MHESI (Thailand) | |
NSTDA (Thailand) | |
TUBITAK (Turkey) | |
TENMAK (Turkey) | |
NASU (Ukraine) | |
STFC (United Kingdom) | |
DOE (USA) | |
NSF (USA) | |
Marie-Curie program | |
European Research Council | 675440 |
COST Action | CA16108 |
Leventis Foundation | |
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation | |
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation | |
Belgian Federal Science Policy Office | |
Fonds pour la Formation 'a la Recherche dans l'Industrie et dans l'Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium) | |
Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT-Belgium) | |
F. R. S.-FNRS (Belgium) | |
FWO (Belgium) | 30820817 |
Beijing Municipal Science AMP; Technology Commission | Z191100007219010 |
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) of the Czech Republic | |
Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (HFRI) (Greece) | 2288 |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) | 400140256-GRK2497 |
Hungarian Academy of Sciences | |
New National Excellence Program-UNKP | |
NKFIH (Hungary) | K 124845, |
Council of Science and Industrial Research, India | |
Latvian Council of Science | |
Ministry of Education and Science | 2022/WK/14 |
National Science Center (Poland) | 2021/41/B/ST2/01369 |
Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) | CEECIND/01334/2018 |
Qatar National Research Fund | MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 |
ograma Estatal de Fomento de la Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica de Excelencia Maria deMaeztu | MDM-2017-0765 |
Programa Severo Ochoa del Principado de Asturias (Spain) | |
Chulalongkorn Academic into Its 2nd Century Project Advancement Project | |
National Science, Research and Innovation Fund via the Program Management Unit for Human Resources AMP; Institutional Development, Research and Innovation (Thailand) | B05F650021 |
Kavli Foundation | |
Nvidia Corporation | |
SuperMicro Corporation | |
Welch Foundation | C-1845 |
Weston Havens Foundation (USA) | |