

Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) are employed to study extracellular electrical activity in neuronal tissues. Neverthe- less, commercially available MEAs provide a limited number of recording sites and do not allow a precise identifi- cation of the spatio-temporal characterization of the recorded signal. To overcome this limitation, high density MEAs, based on CMOS technology, were recently developed and validated on dissociated preparations (Ber- dondini et al. 2009). We show the platform capability to record extracellular electrophysiological signal from 4096 electrodes arranged in a squared area of 2.7 mm x 2.7 mm with inter-electrode distance of 21 μm at a sampling rate of 7.7 kHz/electrode. Here, we demonstrate the performances of these platforms for the acquisition chemi- cally evoked epileptiform activity from brain slices. Moreover the high spatial resolutions allow us to estimate the effect of drugs in spatially modulating Inter-Ictal ((I-IC) activity.


