
The European Union stresses the accent on the need of energy consumption and expenditure data relatedto housing stock (EP, 2010). Most of housing and living conditions databases of Member States investigatethe housing status of a concerned region through a survey to be submitted to the sampled households. Theassessment of energy performance then requires a simplified energy performance certification method,based on qualitative variables.In this paper the French Enquête Nationale Logements (ENL) is considered. A conversion algorithm iselaborated to refer each of the ENL housing units to a reference building and a reference HVAC systemof the European Typology Approach for Building Stock Energy Assessment database (TABULA–EPISCOPE,2013) for France. The ENL housing stock is better specified in its technical and energetic features througha typological data crossing. As a result, an energy label and an energy performance index expressed in[(kWh, ep)/(m2year)] are issued for every single ENL row.The calculation outcomes are assessed through a sensitivity analysis and compared to other nationalstatistics; finally the distribution of energy labels is discussed. Many purposes of results exploitationsare cited, concerning in particular the fuel poverty evaluation and the energy expenditure per householdestimation.
