Application of synthetic boron-doped diamond electrodes in electrooxidation processes
A review. Boron-doped diamond (BDD) thin films were grown on various substrates by chem. vapor deposition to achieve a new electrode material that possesses unique electrochem. properties. This electrodes could generate hydroxyl radicals under polarization at high anode potentials, and these hydroxyl radicals could be spin-trapped by 5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DMPO). The generated hydroxyl radicals had low electrochem. activity and high chem. reactivity, and these properties were attributed to the weak interaction of the hydroxyl radicals with the BDD surface. The mean applications of these electrodes were electrochem. oxidn. of arom. compds., prodn. of strong oxidants, and the electro incineration of org. pollutants in wastewater treatment. [on SciFinder (R)]