Diode-pumped solid body laser used in ophthalmology comprises an acoustic-optical modulator, a laser crystal, a delay plate and a crystal that doubles the frequency of the laser beam
Diode-pumped solid body laser comprises an acoustic-optical modulator, a laser crystal, a delay plate and a crystal that doubles the frequency of the laser beam. Pulse lengthening is carried out by internal coupling of a doubler mechanism within the laser resonator Preferred Features: The end surface of the laser crystal is formed as an end mirror limiting the laser resonator. The mirror is highly reflective for the laser beam. Crystals of SiO2 or TeO2 are provided for the acoustic-optical modulator.
Alternative title(s) : (de) Vorrichtung zur ueberfuehrung der stege eines kettenfoerderers mit geschlossener stegfuehrung in eine darueber- oder darunter-liegende stegfuehrung
Patent number | Country code | Kind code | Date issued |
DE927918 | DE | A1 | 1955-05-20 |