GA4GH: International policies and standards for data sharing across genomic research and healthcare
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health (GA4GH) aims to accelerate biomedical advances by enabling the responsible sharing of clinical and genomic data through both harmonized data aggregation and federated approaches. The decreasing cost of genomic sequencing (along with other genome-widemolecular assays) and increasing evidence of its clinical utility will soon drive the generation of sequence data from tens of millions of humans, with increasing levels of diversity. In this perspective, we present the GA4GH strategies for addressing the major challenges of this data revolution. We describe the GA4GH organization, which is fueled by the development efforts of eight Work Streams and informed by the needs of 24 Driver Projects and other key stakeholders. We present the GA4GH suite of secure, interoperable technical standards and policy frameworks and review the current status of standards, their relevance to key domains of research and clinical care, and future plans of GA4GH. Broad international participation in building, adopting, and deploying GA4GH standards and frameworks will catalyze an unprecedented effort in data sharing that will be critical to advancing genomic medicine and ensuring that all populations can access its benefits.
Funder | Grant Number |
Abigail Wexner Research Institute at Nationwide Children's Hospital | |
Academy of Finland | 31996 |
Australian Medical Research Future Fund | |
Biobank Japan | |
Canada Foundation for Innovation | |
Canada Foundation for Innovation Cyber Infrastructure grant | 34860 |
CANARIE Research Data Management contract | RDM-090 |
CanSHARE | |
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative | |
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative grant | 2017-171671 |
CIHR | 404896 |
CINECA project EU Horizon 2020 grant | 825775 |
Compute Canada | |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) | NFDI 1/1 |
DukeMargolis Center for Health Policy | |
EJP-RD EU Horizon 2020 grant | 825575 |
EOSC-Life EU Horizon 2020 grant | 824087 |
ETH Domain Strategic Focal Area ''Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT)'' | 2017-201 |
EUCANCan EU Horizon 2020 grant | 825835 |
Genome Canada | |
Genome Quebec | |
German Human Genome-Phenome Archive | |
Health Data Research UK Substantive Site Award | |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute | |
Instituto de Salud Carlos III | |
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) | |
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (AMED) | 20kk0205014h0005 |
Caixa Foundation | LCF/PR/GN13/50260009 |
Mayo Clinic Center for Individualized Medicine | |
Ministere de l'Economie et de l'Innovation du Quebec | |
Ministere de l'Economie et de l'Innovation du Quebec | 141210 |
Monarch Initiative grant | R24OD011883 |
Phenomics First NHGRI grant | 1RM1HG010860 |
MRC | MC_PC_19024 |
National University of Singapore | |
Agency for Science, Technology and Research | |
NHGRI | K99HG010157 |
NHMRC | GNT1113531 |
NIH | HHSN268201800002I |
NIH Anvil | |
NIH ENCODE grant | UM1HG009443 |
NIH NCATS grant | U24TR002306 |
NIH NCI | HHSN261201400008c |
ID/IQ | 17X146 |
NIH NCI ITCR grant | 1U24CA231877-01 |
NIH NHGRI grant | RM1HG010461 |
NIH NHLBI BioData Catalyst Fellowship grant | 5118777 |
NIH NHLBI BioData Catalyst Program grant | 1OT3HL142478-01 |
NIH NIGMS | R35-GM128636 |
NIH NLM contract | 75N97019P00280 |
NIHR | |
Project Ris3CAT VEIS | |
RD-Connect, Seventh Framework Program grant | 305444 |
Robertson Foundation | |
Solve-RD, EU Horizon 2020 grant | 779257 |
Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) | |
Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) - Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI | |
Terry Fox Research Institute | |
Digital Technology Supercluster | |
Australian Medical Research Future Fund, as part of the Genomics Health Futures Mission grant | 76749 |
BioMedIT Network project of Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (SIB) | |
Swiss Personalized Health Network (SPHN) | |
Canada Research Chair in Law and Medicine | |
CIHR grant | SBD-163124 |
EU Horizon 2020 Beyond 1 Million Genomes (B1MG) | 951724 |
European Molecular Biology Laboratory | |
Government of Canada | |
Government of Canada through Genome Canada | |
Ontario Genomics Institute | OGI-206 |
Government of Ontario | |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | RGPIN-2015-03948 |
Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship | |
Program for Integrated Database of Clinical and Genomic Information | |
Victorian State Government through the Operational Infrastructure Support (OIS) Program | |
Wellcome | |
Wellcome Trust | 108749/Z/15/Z |
NIH NHGRI | U41HG006627 |
National Taiwan University | 91F701-45C |
Intramural Research Program of the National Library of Medicine, NIH | |
Wellcome Grant | 200990/A/16/Z |