An energy resource scheduler implemented in the automatic management system of a microgrid test facility
The paper deals with a microgrid test facility, settled at the CESI RICERCA laboratories, equipped with various distributed energy resources (DERs) and connected to a LV network. The operation of such a microgrid is supervised by a central automatic microgrid management system (MMS). The paper first reports and discusses some experimental results carried out for the assessment of DERs performance and for the implementation of specific MMS functions. Then, it describes the functions of the energy resources scheduler (ERS) implemented in the MMS. The scheduler periodically updates the set points of DERs regulators in order to achieve economic, reliability and power quality objectives, starting form the load and renewable production forecasts and from the results of the system state estimation. The ERS is composed by two main parts, namely: a day-ahead economic scheduler of active power set points during the following day for the minimization of the overall costs, and an intra-day scheduler that every 15 minutes settles the set points of the DERs regulators to optimize the voltage profile at the grid buses, taking into account both technical constraints and the day-ahead economic schedules. © 2007 IEEE.
2007 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, ICCEP '07
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy CESI RICERCA S.p.A, 20134 Milano, Italy Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Genova, 16145 Genova, Italy, Conference code: 70432, Export Date: 25 April 2012, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: 4272364, doi: 10.1109/ICCEP.2007.384193, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Borghetti, A.; Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, 40136 Bologna, Italy, References: Lasseter, R., Akhil, A., Marnay, C., Stevens, J., Dagle, J., Guttromson, R., Meliopoulous, A.S., Eto, J., (2002) White Paper on Integration of Distributed Energy Resources-The icroGrid Concept, ,, Available at; http://microgrids., European Research Project MicroGrids. Available atHatziargyriou, N.D., Dimeas, A., Tsikalakis, A.G., Pecas Lopes, J.A., Kariniotakis, G., Oyarzabal, J., Management of Microgrids in Market Environment (2005) Proc. of 2005 International Conference on Future Power Systems, , November 16-18; Dimeas, A.L., Hatziargyriou, N.D., Operation of a Multiagent System for Microgrid Control (2005) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 20 (3). , August; Bertani, A., Borghetti, A., Bossi, C., De Biase, L., Lamquet, O., Massucco, S., Morini, A., Silvestro, F., Management of Low Voltage Grids with High Penetration of Distributed Generation: Concepts, implementations and experiments (2006) Proc. of CIGRE General Session, , paper C6-304, Paris, August; Madsen, H., Nielsen, H.A., Nielsen, T.S., Kariniotakis, G., A protocol for standardizing the performance evaluation, of short-term wind power prediction models (2004) Proc. of the 2004 Global Windpower Conference, , Chicago, Illinois, March 28-31; Mahseredjian, J., Dennetière, S., Dubé, L., Khodabakhchian, B., On a new approach for the simulation of transients in power systems (2005) Proc. of the International Conference on Power Systems Transients IPST, , Montreal, June; Katiraei, F., Iravani, M.R., Lehn, P.W., Micro-Grid Autonomous Operation During and Subsequent to Islanding Process (2005) IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 20 (1). , January; Bertani, A., Bossi, C., Fornari, F., Massucco, S., Morini, A., Silvestro, F., Combined Use of Simulation and Test Site Electrical Networks for Assessing and Evaluating Distributed Generation Possibilities and Performances (2005) Proc of CIRED, , Turin, June; Peças Lopes, J.A., Moreira, C.L., Madureira, A.G., Defining Control Strategies for MicroGrids Islanded Operation (2006) IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 21 (2). , May