Investigation of the emission of monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne (Switzerland) by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS)
Recent research works show that wastewater treatment plants may contribute significantly to the total emission of volatile org. compds. (VOCs) in urban areas. In order to investigate this contribution, a measurement campaign was carried out during Sept., 1999, in the Lausanne, Switzerland, area. The concns. of monocyclic arom. hydrocarbons (MAHs) over a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne were monitored by differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS) and gas chromatog. with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). An FID was used for monitoring the overall concn. of nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs). The local meteorol. conditions were also measured. The concns. of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, and phenol over the wastewater treatment plant as measured by DOAS and GC-FID are compared. In addn., based upon the results of a recent field expt., the impact of the oxygen interference on DOAS measurements of arom. compds. is addressed. The MAH concn. time series and its relation to that of NMHCs, as well as to the meteorol. conditions, are presented. The VOC release and prodn. phenomena involved in the wastewater and sludge treatment processes are analyzed using complementary measurements of arom. compds. in wastewater and gas processing streams.
Copyright 2003 ACS
AN 2001:584010
CAN 135:261397
Air Pollution and Industrial Hygiene
60, 80
Air Pollution Laboratory (LPAS),Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL),Lausanne,Switz. FIELD URL:
written in English.
Absorption spectroscopy (differential; monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy); Air pollution; Gas chromatography; Wastewater; Wastewater treatment (monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy); Volatile organic compounds Role: MSC (Miscellaneous), POL (Pollutant), OCCU (Occurrence) (monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy); Aromatic compounds; Aromatic hydrocarbons Role: MSC (Miscellaneous), POL (Pollutant), OCCU (Occurrence) (monocyclic; monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy); Volatile substances (org.; monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy); Wastewater treatment sludge (treatment of; monocyclic arom. compd. emission from a wastewater treatment plant at Lausanne, Switzerland, as detd. by differential optical absorption spectroscopy)
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Event name | Event place | Event date |
Salt Lake City, UT, United States | June 18-22, 2000 | |