Regional and temporal modulation of brain glycoprotein synthesis by corticosterone
Corticosterone has a biphasic effect on memory formation, short-term effects being facilitating and long-term effects resulting in cognitive impairments. The effects of different patterns of temporal exposure to corticosterone-previously shown to biphasically modulate water maze performance-on glycoprotein synthesis were evaluated in four rat brain regions: hippocampus, striatum, frontal cortex and hypothalamus. Acute corticosterone administration resulted in decreased glycoprotein synthesis in hippocampus and striatum, which might be related to the memory facilitating effects of the steroid. However, sustained exposure to corticosterone in a subchronic (7 days) or chronic (21 days) regimen indicated the hypothalamus as the only region displaying reduced fucosylation after chronic treatment. These findings suggest that detrimental effects of chronic corticosterone treatment on hippocampal neurones and memory might be not related to an initial steroid action on fucosyl-glycoprotein expression.
Author address: Psychobiology Research Group, Cajal Institute, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.