Novel approach to the measurement of ultra wideband antenna efficiency
This Letter presents a new cavity-based approach for measuring the radiation efficiency of Ultra Wideband (UWB) antennas. The procedure is based on a generalized Wheeler cap method (GWCM ) that is only practical for narrowband measurements and so this Letter introduces an extension to UWB using source-stirring. The number of required measurements needed is relatively low and independent of the frequency span therefore making the technique convenient for UWB. A complete post-processing procedure to automatically identify and remove erroneous radiation efficiency predictions is presented. The new method was tested with a coplanar-fed UWB monopole and compared to existing UWB efficiency cavity-based measurement methods. The results show good agreement with simulations and compare favorably to other UWB-centric methods, confirming the proposed approach as a good alternative to measure UWB antenna radiation efficiency.