Scaling Up Concurrent Main-Memory Column-Store Scans: Towards Adaptive NUMA-aware Data and Task Placement
Main-memory column-stores are called to efficiently use modern non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architectures to service concurrent clients on big data. The efficient usage of NUMA architectures depends on the data placement and scheduling strategy of the column-store. Most column-stores choose a static strategy that involves partitioning all data across the NUMA architecture, and employing a stealing-based task scheduler. In this paper, we implement different strategies for data placement and task scheduling for the case of concurrent scans. We compare these strategies with an extensive sensitivity analysis. Our most significant findings include that unnecessary partitioning can hurt throughput by up to 70%, and that stealing memory-intensive tasks can hurt throughput by up to 58%. Based on our analysis, we envision a design that adapts the data placement and task scheduling strategy to the workload.
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