Critical lssues on lntegrated Solutions for Seismic and Energy Retrofitting of High-rise Building in Reinforced Concrete Walls and Panels: The M4 in Tor Bella Monaca - Rome
In Italy, after the destructions of World War II, due the particular development of economy and the political decision in the field of reconstruction, a government option for building construction industrialization comes up only at the beginning of ‘60s. A wide number of different proposals of building sector industrialization came from technicians, industries and researchers, and the debate interested all the years between the end of the war and the approval of the law number 167 in 1962. First of all the city builders are fascinated by the French Grands Ensembles and the main design tools are based on standard house typologies and infrastructures projecting. This happens before that the national technical laws transpose the seismic and energy design and put them into the professional practice. Thus, the paper focuses on a heritage referred to industrial production for infrastructures, with a high compromising in respecting requested building performances. The case study is the high-rise building typology in the neighborhood of Tor Bella Monaca in Rome, one the biggest of that period in Italy. Here, comparing to the last INA-Casa experience, the quality of apartment’s plan collapses, and new critical issues become usual on the point of view of the envelope (thermal bridges and low insulation). The group of research proposes the analysis of different possible interventions based on an integrated approach between architectural quality of residential units renovation, energy and seismic retrofit. As expected, the cost-effective evaluation of the proposal shows the convenience of the integrated approach in supporting public administration in social housing renovation. The best solutions, according to the parameter of efficiency, resistance, residential units improvement, offer an increasing of residential units (plus 30%), a balanced reduction of energy consumption associated to energy removable production, and a considerable improvement of the seismic behavior of the structure.
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