Lightning-correlated faults in power distribution networks
The paper deals with the correlation between lightning and distribution networks faults and/or voltage dips. In particular, the paper presents an application of a method proposed by the authors to correlate lightning events and relays operations based on the integrated use of: (i) data obtained from the Italian lightning location system (CESI-SIRF), (ii) data relevant to the Italian monitoring system of relay operation (CESI-SAM) and (iii) calculation results obtained by means of an advanced simulation tool for the accurate estimation of lightning-induced voltages on complex power networks (LIOV-EMTP). The correlation algorithm is able to take into account the uncertainty levels associated with the stroke location and peak current estimates provided by lightning location systems. The results obtained by means of LIOV-EMTP are shown to be of fundamental importance to achieve the appropriate estimation of the correlation of interest. A plus of the proposed algorithm is that it can make use, mostly during its validation/tuning phase, also of measured lightning-induced overvoltage waveforms recorded by means of a distributed monitoring system of voltage transients, which has been installed in a portion of the Italian distribution network. ©2007 IEEE.
2007 IEEE Lausanne POWERTECH
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Bologna, Italy CESI, Italy Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Switzerland ENEL Distribuzione, Italy Wakayama National College of Technology, Japan, Conference code: 73346, Export Date: 25 April 2012, Source: Scopus, Art. No.: 4538382, doi: 10.1109/PCT.2007.4538382, Language of Original Document: English, Correspondence Address: Bernardi, M.; CESIItaly; email:, References: Zhou, Y., Pahwa, A., Yang, S.S., Modeling of Weather-Related Failures of Overhead Distribution Lines (2006) IEEE Trans. on PWRS, 21 -4, pp. 1683-1690. , November; Kosmac, J., Djurica, V., Babuder, M., Automatic fault localization based on lightning information (2006) Proc of the IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting, 2006, , 18-22 June; Boonseng, C., Kinnares, V., Analysis of harmonic for 12-pulse converter under unbalanced voltage operation due to lightning related voltage sags and short interruption (2001) IEEE PES Winter Meeting, 3, pp. 1009-1014; Balijepalli, N., Venkata, S.S., Richter, C.W., Christie, R.D., Longo, V.J., Distribution system reliability assessment due to lightning storms (2005) IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, 20 (3), pp. 2153-2159. , July; Short, T.A., Ammon, R.H., Monitoring results of the effectiveness of surge arrester spacings on distribution line protection (1999) IEEE Trans. on PWRD, 14 -3, pp. 1142-1150. , July; Bernardi, M., Giorgi, C., Biscaglia, V., Medium voltage line faults correlation with lightning events recorded with the Italian LLP system CESI-SIRF (1998) Proc. 24 th International Conference on Lightning Protection, 1, pp. 187-192. , Birmingham-UK; Kappenman, J.G., Van House, D.L., Location-centered mitigation of lightning-caused disturbances (1996) IEEE Computer Applications in Power, 9 (3), pp. 36-40. , July; Cummins, K.L., Krider, E.P., Malone, M.D., The U.S. National Lightning Detection Network and applications of cloud-to-ground lightning data by electric power utilities (1998) IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 40 (4), pp. 465-480. , November; Iorio, R., Ferrari, D., 1995 descriptive statistics on lightning activity over Italy, obtained by means of the Italian lightning detection system 'CESISIRF' (1996) Proc. 23 rd International Conference on Lightning Protection, 1, pp. 191-196. , Florence Italy, September; Nucci, C.A., Borghetti, A., Paolone, M., Boselli, P., Bernardi, M., Malgarotti, S., Mastandrea, I., Rachidi, F., (2004) Lightning-Induced Voltages on Overhead Distribution Lines: Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of related Problems and their Impact on Power Quality, , CIGRE, paper C4-303, Paris; Paolone, M., Peretto, L., Sasdelli, R., Tinarelli, R., Bernardi, M., Nucci, C.A., On the use of data from distributed measurement systems for correlating voltage transients to lightning (2004) IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, 53 (4), pp. 1202-1208. , Aug; C.A. 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