Raman frequency shifting in a CH4:H2:Ar mixture pumped by the fourth harmonic of a Nd:YAG laser
Mixts. of methane, H, and Ar (CH4:H2:Ar) were studied as UV Raman shifters for ozone differential absorption lidar application. They have higher photochem. stability than pure CH4 and the capability to produce, with high enough efficiency, either 1st CH4 Stokes or, simultaneously, CH4 and H2 1st Stokes with equal energies. These mixts. can be used as an inexpensive replacement for D2 or a more stable substitute for pure CH4 in single-pass high-power Raman shifters.
Copyright 2003 ACS, CAPLUS, AN 1998:715267, CAN 130:58794, 73-11, Optical, Electron, and Mass Spectroscopy and Other Related Properties, Laboratory for Air and Soil Pollution Lausanne,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Lausanne,Switz. FIELD URL:, Journal, APOPAI, written in English., Lidar; Optical pumping (Raman frequency shifter for ozone lidar applications in CH4:H2:Ar mixt. pumped by fourth harmonic of Nd:YAG laser); Optical instruments (Raman shifter; Raman frequency shifter for ozone lidar applications in CH4:H2:Ar mixt. pumped by fourth harmonic of Nd:YAG laser), 1) Haner, D; IEEE J Quantum Electron 1990, 26, 1292|2) Boesenberg, J; Final report to the project TESLAS-EUROTRAC 1996|3) Calpini, B; Chimia 1997, 51, 700|4) Kempfer, U; Rev Sci Instrum 1994, 65, 3145|5) Sunesson, J; Appl Opt 1994, 33, 7045|6) de Schoulepnikoff, L; Appl Opt 1997, 36, 5026|7) Spinhirne, J; Appl Opt 1997, 36, 3475|8) de Schoulepnikoff, L; Pure Appl Opt 1997, 6, 277|9) Bjorklund, G; IEEE J Quantum Electron 1975, QE-11, 287|10) Chu, Z; Appl Opt 1991, 30, 4350