Ozone flux measurements in the troposphere with a shot per shot DIAL instrument operated in the UV spectral region during the MEDCAPHOT campaign
The first combined reconstruction of range-resolved wind velocities and O3 concns. is presented from the anal. of a single DIAL data set analyzed with a correlation method to det. wind speeds. The system can be used for the measurement of a unique component of the wind velocity with an accuracy comparable to that of stand-alone fixed beam correlation lidar instruments. A photochem. model is also developed to predict the spatio-temporal evolution of O3 concns., originated by both chem. and transport effects.
Copyright 2003 ACS CAPLUS AN 1998:412840 CAN 129:220315 59-3 Air Pollution and Industrial Hygiene 53, 73 Laboratory for Air and Soil Pollution, EPFL,Lausanne,Switz. FIELD URL: Conference 66IJAF written in English. Lidar (differential-absorption; ozone and wind measurements in troposphere with shot per shot DIAL instrument in UV spectral region); Environmental transport; Troposphere; Wind (ozone and wind measurements in troposphere with shot per shot DIAL instrument in UV spectral region); Air pollution (photochem. smog; ozone and wind measurements in troposphere with shot per shot DIAL instrument in UV spectral region during) 1) Ziomas, I; Proposal for the Mediterranean Campaign of Photochemical Tracers - Transport and Chemical Evolution (MEDCAPHOT-TRACE) Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics 1993|2) Durieux, E; Submitted to Atm Env 1996|3) Fiorani, L; Submitted to Atm Env 1996|4) Muller, F; Submitted to Atm Env 1996|5) Eloranta, E; J Appl Meteor 1975, 14, 1485