Finite time blow up for the energy critical Zakharov system I: approximate solutions
We construct approximate solutions $ (\psi_, n_)$ of the critical 4D Zakharov system which collapse in finite time to a singular renormalization of the solitary bulk solutions $ (\lambda e^{i \theta}W, \lambda^2 W^2)$ . To be precise for $ N \in \Z_+, ;N \gg1 $ we obtain a magnetic envelope/ion density pair % just "we obtain functions of the form" instead?
of the form
\psi_(t, x)= e^{i\alpha(t)}\lambda(t) W(\lambda(t)x) + \eta(t, x),;;n_(t,x) = \lambda^2(t) W^2(\lambda(t) x) + \chi(t,x),
where $ W(x) = (1 + \frac{|x|^2}{8})^{-1}$, ;$\alpha(t) = \alpha_0 \log(t),~\lambda(t)= t^{-\frac{1}{2}-\nu}$ with large $\nu > 1 $ and further
& i \partial_t \psi_* + \triangle \psi_* + n_* \psi_* = \mathcal{O}(t^N),;; \square n_* - \triangle (|\psi_|^2) = \mathcal{O}(t^N),\
& \eta(t) \to \eta_0,;; \chi(t) \to \chi_0,
as $ t \to 0^+$ in a suitable sense. The method of construction is inspired by matched asymptotic regions and % reminiscent of the
approximation procedures %introduced by
%reminiscent of the pivotal
%uses techniques reminiscent of the approximation procedures
in the context of blow up solutions introduced by the first author jointly with W. Schlag and D. Tataru, as well as the subsequently developed methods in the Schr"odinger context by G. Perelman et al., Ortoleva-Perleman and Bahouri-Marachli-Perelman.
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