Low-power image sensor system with single-photon avalanche diode photodetectors
The invention relates to an image sensor comprising a photodetector array including neighboring photodetector elements, each photodetector element comprising: - a photodetector cell having a photodiode and a reset unit; - a cell control unit coupled with the photodetector cell and configured to reset the photodiode by means of the reset unit; wherein the cell control unit is configured to asynchronously effect resetting of the photodiode after a given dead time after detection of a photon.
Alternative title(s) : (fr) Système de capteur d'image de faible puissance avec des photodétecteurs à diode à avalanche à photon unique
Patent number | Country code | Kind code | Date issued |
US2022264047 | US | A1 | 2022-08-18 |
WO2021018403 | WO | A1 | 2021-02-04 |