A catalytic dispersion of fine metal particles mediates the photodissociation of water into hyrogen gas. A protective agent adsorptive to said particles and selected from among homopolymers, copolymers, hydrocarbyl radicals and polysaccharides stabilizes the said dispersion.
Alternative title(s) : (en) Catalyst for the photolytic production of hydrogen from water
Patent number | Country code | Kind code | Date issued |
IT1143029 | IT | B | 1986-10-22 |
CH644771 | CH | A5 | 1984-08-31 |
AU536930 | AU | B2 | 1984-05-31 |
US4421617 | US | A | 1983-12-20 |
IL60977 | IL | A | 1983-11-30 |
US4394293 | US | A | 1983-07-19 |
GB2059282 | GB | B | 1983-07-06 |
CA1138407 | CA | A | 1982-12-28 |
ES8200844 | ES | A1 | 1981-11-16 |
ES8106864 | ES | A1 | 1981-09-01 |
ZA805145 | ZA | B | 1981-08-26 |
SE8006249 | SE | L | 1981-04-29 |
GB2059282 | GB | A | 1981-04-23 |
AU6163680 | AU | A | 1981-04-09 |
DE3032303 | DE | A1 | 1981-04-02 |
FR2464746 | FR | A1 | 1981-03-20 |
BR8005646 | BR | A | 1981-03-17 |
NL8005015 | NL | A | 1981-03-10 |