Niclass, CristianoCharbon, Edoardo2006-03-092006-03-092006-03-09200510.1109/ISSCC.2005.1494020 avalanche photodiode array uses single-photon counting to perform time-of-flight range-finding on a scene uniformly hit by 100ps 250mW uncollimated laser pulses. The 32x32 pixel sensor, fabricated in a 0.8μm CMOS process uses a microscanner package to enhance the effective resolution in the application to 64x64 pixels. The application achieves a measurement depth resolution of 1.3mm to a depth of 3.75m.3-D image sensor3-D visionCMOS avalanche photodiodesHighly sensitive photodetectorsLIDARPhoton timingRangefinderSingle photon detectorsSPAD arraysTime-correlated measurementsA single photon detector array with 64x64 resolution and millimetric depth accuracy for 3D imagingtext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper