Marselli, BéatriceHunziker, AnthonyPlaton, MarjorieVelasco, ManonBorel, AlainBräuninger, MatthiasMilfort, Frank2020-11-052020-11-052020-11-052020-10-19 is a set of 6 1-sheet guides, providing abridged notions, basic and advanced information about Open Access, scientific publishing, copyright, citation, etc.: #01 Open Access: the basics #02 Make your research Open #03 Creative Commons Licenses #04 Publishing agreement #05 L'exception pédagogique #06 Bien réutiliser une oeuvreOpen AccessScientific publishingCopyrightOpen LicensesCC LicensesException for teaching purposesPublishing agreementPublishing contractCopyright transfer agreementReuse rightsPublicationEPFL Library Publishing Support Fastguidestext::conference output::conference poster not in proceedings