Quarteroni, AlfioDede', LucaManzoni, AndreaZbinden, Christèle Marie2016-10-072016-10-072016https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/129679In this thesis, we explore possible stabilisation methods for the reduce basis approximation of advection-diffusion problems, for which the advection term is dominating. The options we consider are mainly inspired by the Variational Multiscale method (VMS), which decomposes the solution of a variational problem into its coarse scale component, from a coarse scale space, and a fine scale component, from a fine scale space. Our stabilisation proposals are divided into three classes. The first one groups methods that rely on a stabilisation parameter. The second class uses VMS at the algebraic level to attempt stabilisation. Finally the third class is also inspired by VMS at the algebraic level, but with the additional constraint that the fine scale space is orthogonal to the coarse scale space. Numericals tests reported in this thesis show that the methods of the first class is not viable options as the best stabilisation parameter among those tested is the stabilisation parameter that is used at the high fidelity level. Although the stabilisation methods of the second class give accurate results when applied to stable problems, they were also dismissed by the numerical tests, as they did not improve the accuracy of the already stabilised problem. The third class also performs well when applied to stable problems. It has been shown in [7] one of those methods can improve accuracy. However in the current implementation, this result was not achieved here.Reduced Basis methodAdvection-diffusionPartial Differential EquationsStabilizationVariational Multiscale MethodExploring stabilisation techniques for the reduced basis approximation of avection-diffusion PDEsstudent work::master thesis