Gatica-Perez, DanielMcCowan, Iain A.Barnard, MarkBengio, SamyBourlard, Hervé2006-03-102006-03-102006-03-102003 this paper, we discuss meetings as an application domain for multimedia content analysis. Meeting databases are a rich data source suitable for a variety of audio, visual and multi-modal tasks, including speech recognition, people and action recognition, and information retrieval. We specifically focus on the task of semantic annotation of audio-visual (AV) events, where annotation consists of assigning labels (event names) to the data. In order to develop an automatic annotation system in a principled manner, it is essential to have a well-defined task, a standard corpus and an objective performance measure. In this work we address each of these issues to automatically annotate events based on participant interactions.visionspeechOn automatic annotation of meeting databasestext::report