Huang, HaonanPadurariu, CiprianSenkpiel, JacobDrost, RobertYeyati, Alfredo LevyCuevas, Juan CarlosKubala, BjoernAnkerhold, JoachimKern, KlausAst, Christian R.2020-08-132020-08-132020-08-132020-07-2710.1038/s41567-020-0971-0 magnetic impurity is placed on the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope, allowing direct tunnelling between two Yu-Shiba-Rusinov bound states. This technique can probe and enhance the impurity state lifetime. There is a limit to the miniaturization of every process, and for charge transport this is realized by the coupling of two single discrete energy levels at the atomic scale. In superconductors, Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states are such levels. Here, we place a magnetic impurity on the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope (YSR-STM) and use it to demonstrate sequential tunnelling of electrons between parity-protected YSR states on the tip and in the sample. Using this Shiba-Shiba tunnelling technique we probe the YSR lifetime, which we can enhance by reducing the relaxation of the excited YSR state to the intrinsic channel. Our work offers a way to characterize and manipulate coupled superconducting bound states, such as Andreev levels, YSR states or Majorana bound states at the atomic limit.Physics, MultidisciplinaryPhysicsmajorana fermionsimpuritypairsTunnelling dynamics between superconducting bound states at the atomic limittext::journal::journal article::research article