Dogan, ZaferLefkimmiatis, StamatiosBourquard, AurelienUnser, Michael2012-06-252012-06-252012-06-25201110.1109/ICIP.2011.6116651 this paper, we propose a novel second-order regularizer based on the maximum response of the second-order directional derivative, assuming that the image under consideration belongs to the class of piecewise-linear signals. Compared to total-variation regularization that preserves edges but transforms piecewise-smooth regions into piecewise-constant regions, the proposed model is able to restore piecewise-linear regions and finer details. Deconvolution experiments demonstrate the performance of our approach in terms of the quality of reconstruction.Image deconvolutionLinear inverse problemsHigher-order regularizationMinimizationRecoveryA Second-Order Extension Of Tv Regularization For Image Deblurringtext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper