Valovic, M.Rapp, J.Cordey, J. G.Budny, R.McDonald, D. C.Garzotti, L.Kallenbach, A.Mahdavi, M. A.Ongena, J.Parail, V.Saibene, G.Sartori, R.Stamp, M.Sauter, O.Strachan, J.Suttrop, W.2008-04-162008-04-162008-04-16200210.1088/0741-3335/44/9/309 timescale density peaking has been observed in JET plasmas leading to densities exceeding the Greenwald value. These neutral beam heated discharges are characterized by type-I ELMS and good energy confinement. Central density is limited by neoclassical tearing modes or by termination of H-mode preceded by loss of sawteeth. When these limiting factors are avoided (i.e. at intermediate power level and With optimization of gas puffing) quasi-stationary high density plasmas with peaked density profile are obtained.JETLong timescale density peaking in JETtext::journal::journal article::research article