Gomopoulos, NikolaosLütgebauks, CornelisSun, QinchaoRomero, MaciasAlberto, CarlosRoke, Sylvie2013-03-282013-03-282013-03-28201310.1364/OE.21.000815https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/91238WOS:000315988100105We present a method to perform hyper Rayleigh scattering from aqueous solutions and second harmonic scattering measurements from unlabeled interfaces of liposomes and nanoparticles in dilute solutions. The water and interfacial response can be measured on a millisecond timescale, thus opening up the possibility to measure label-free time dependent transport processes in biological (membrane) systems.Label-Free Hyper Rayleigh and Second Harmonic Scattering with High Efficiencytext::journal::journal article::research article