Thiollay, NicolasDi Salvo, JacquesSandrin, CharlotteSoldevila, MichelBourganel, StéphaneFausser, ClémentDestouches, ChristopheBlaise, PatrickDomergue, ChristophePhilibert, HervéBonora, JonathanGruel, AdrienGeslot, BenoitLamirand, VincentPepino, AlexandraRoche, AlainMéplan, OlivierRamdhane, Mourad2016-05-032016-05-032016-05-03201610.1051/epjconf/201610602015 is a benchmark-type experiment dedicated to 900 and 1450MWe PWR vessels surveillance dosimetry. This two-year program started in 2014 and will end in 2015. It will provide precise experimental data for the validation of the neutron spectrum propagation calculation from core to vessel. It is composed of a square core surrounded by a stainless steel baffle and internals: PWR barrel is simulated by steel structures leading to different steel-water slides; two steel components stand for a surveillance capsule holder and for a part of the pressure vessel. Measurement locations are available on the whole experimental structure. The experimental knowledge of core sources will be obtained by integral gamma scanning measurements directly on fuel pins. Reaction rates measured by calibrated fission chambers and a large set of dosimeters will give information on the neutron energy and spatial distributions. Due to the low level neutron flux of EOLE ZPR a special, high efficiency, calibrated gamma spectrometry device will be used for some dosimeters, allowing to measure an activity as low as 7. 10−2 Bq per sample. 103mRh activities will be measured on an absolute calibrated X spectrometry device. FLUOLE-2 experiment goal is to usefully complete the current experimental benchmarks database used for the validation of neutron calculation codes. This two-year program completes the initial FLUOLE program held in 2006–2007 in a geometry representative of 1300MWe PWR.FLUOLE-2: An Experiment for PWR Pressure Vessel Surveillancetext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper