Min, J.Vonesch, C.Olivier, N.Kirshner, H.Manley, S.Ye, J.C.Unser, M.2015-09-182015-09-182015-09-18201310.1109/ISBI.2013.6556441https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/118179Super-resolution localization microscopy relies on sparse activation of photo-switchable probes. Such activation, however, introduces limited temporal resolution. High-density imaging overcomes this limitation by allowing several neighboring probes to be activated simultaneously. In this work, we propose an algorithm that incorporates a continuous-domain sparsity prior into the high-density localization problem. We use a Taylor approximation of the PSF, and rely on a fast proximal gradient optimization procedure. Unlike currently available methods that use discrete-domain sparsity priors, our approach does not restrict the estimated locations to a pre-defined sampling grid. Experimental results of simulated and real data demonstrate significant improvement over these methods in terms of accuracy, molecular identification and computational complexity.Continuous Localization Using Sparsity Constraints for High-Density Super-Resolution Microscopytext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper