Ipparthi, DhananjayWinslow, AndrewMastrangeli, MassimoDorigo, Marco2015-09-142015-09-142015-09-142015https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/117786Self-assembly of homogeneous components has the advantage of being a decentralised and highly parallel method for assembling multiple target structures, and is ideal for effective large-scale manufacturing. Yet assembly yield may be negatively affected by the formation of incompatible substructures that prevent the formation of complete target structures. In this work we present physical and theoretical analysis of a simple magnetomechanical self-assembling systems exhibiting the problem of incompatible substructures in the formation of closed circular target structures out of eight homogeneous components. The assembly yield of physical experiments from 8 to 40 components is compared with the predictions of a computational model, and the model is found to accurately predict both the mean and standard deviation of the experimental yield.incompatible substructuresreaction networksself-assemblyyield problemA Study of Yield Predictions for a Model of Homogeneous Self-Assembling Componentstext::conference output::conference paper not in proceedings