Jacimovic, JacimVaju, CristianMagrez, ArnaudBerger, HelmuthForro, L.Gaal, RichardCerovski, ViktorZikic, Radomir2012-09-222012-09-222012-09-22201210.1209/0295-5075/99/57005https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/85627We have measured the pressure and temperature dependences of the resistivity and the thermoelectric power of anatase, TiO2. The resistivity varies with T-3 at high temperatures, and its absolute value is in the 1 Omega cm range. Below 60 K, the resistivity is activated. Most surprisingly, the activation energy shows non-monotonic pressure dependence. The thermoelectric power has a very high value and its temperature dependence resembles that of polaronic materials. We suggest a large polaronic model to describe the temperature and pressure dependence of the two transport coefficients. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2012Anatase, Large polaronsPressure dependence of the large-polaron transport in anatase TiO2 single crystalstext::journal::journal article::research article