Favrais, Géraldinevan de Looij, YohanFleiss, BobbiRamanantsoa, NelinaBonnin, PhilippeStoltenburg-Didinger, GiselaLacaud, AdrienSaliba, ElieDammann, OlafGallego, JorgeSizonenko, StéphaneHagberg, HenrikLelièvre, VincentGressens, Pierre2012-05-252012-05-252012-05-25201110.1002/ana.22489https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/80797Perinatal inflammation is a major risk factor for neurological deficits in preterm infants. Several experimental studies have shown that systemic inflammation can alter the programming of the developing brain. However, these studies do not offer detailed pathophysiological mechanisms, and they rely on relatively severe infectious or inflammatory stimuli that most likely do not reflect the levels of systemic inflammation observed in many human preterm infants. The goal of the present study was to test the hypothesis that moderate systemic inflammation is sufficient to alter white matter development.Magnetic Resonance ImagingCIBM-AITSystemic inflammation disrupts the developmental program of white mattertext::journal::journal article::research article