Fink, JuliaBauwens, ValérieMubin, OmarKaplan, FrédéricDillenbourg, Pierre2011-11-282011-11-282011-11-282011 service robots, such as the iRobot Roomba vacuum cleaner provide a promising opportunity to study human-robot interaction (HRI) in domestic environments. Still rather little is known about long-term impacts of robotic home appliances on people’s daily routines and attitudes and how they evolve over time. We investigate these aspects through a longitudinal ethnographic study with nine households, to which we gave a Roomba cleaning robot. During six months, data is gathered through a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods.human-robot interactiondomestic service robotslongitudinal field studysocial factors in roboticsHRI in the home: A Longitudinal Ethnographic Study with Roombatext::conference output::conference poster not in proceedings