Moreau, VincentDos Reis, Piero CarloVuille, Francois2019-06-182019-06-182019-06-182019-01-3110.3390/resources8010029 transition from a fossil fuel base to a renewable energy system relies on materials and, in particular, metals to manufacture and maintain energy conversion technologies. Supply constraints shift from fossil fuels to mineral resources. We assess the availability of metal reserves and resources to build an energy system based exclusively on renewable energy technologies. A mass balance of 29 metals embodied in renewable energy technologies is compiled in order to satisfy global energy demand, based on five authoritative energy scenarios for 2050. We expand upon these scenarios by modeling the storage capacity needed to support high shares of intermittent renewables (wind and solar). The metal requirements are then compared with the current demand and proven reserves and ultimate mineable resources. This allows us to distinguish between constraints related to renewable energy sources from those linked to technology mixes. The results show that proven reserves and, in specific cases, resources of several metals are insufficient to build a renewable energy system at the predicted level of global energy demand by 2050. The comparison between reserves and resources shows that scarcity relates sometimes more to techno economic supply than to raw material availability. Our results also highlight the importance of substitution among technologies and metals as well as the limited impact of recycling on the depletion of scarce metals.Green & Sustainable Science & TechnologyScience & Technology - Other Topicsglobal renewable energy systemmetal reservessupply sidestoragelong-term scenariosavailabilityphotovoltaicstechnologiesflowsrequirementsdepletiondemandimpactEnough Metals? Resource Constraints to Supply a Fully Renewable Energy Systemtext::journal::journal article::research article