Tasevski, DarkoFernández Ruiz, MiguelMuttoni, Aurelio2016-03-212016-03-212016-03-21201510.1061/9780784479346.141https://infoscience.epfl.ch/handle/20.500.14299/125071This paper investigates the uniaxial compression behaviour of concrete under different strain rates and its relation to sustained loading. The aim is to observe the strain rate effect on the pre- and post-peak behaviour of concrete. In particular, the development of nonlinear creep strains for different strain rates has been investigated and compared to the sustained load behaviour. The development of creep strains is in accordance with the progress of cracking as observed by acoustic emissions. An analogy is found between the concrete compression behaviour under various strain rates and the concrete compression behaviour under sustained loads at different stress levels.bétoncoefficient de Poissoncompressioneffet différéfluage en compressionlong termenon-linéairevitesse de chargementconcretePoisson's ratiocompressiontime dependent effectcreep under compressionlong termnon-linearloading rateAnalogy between Sustained Loading and Strain Rate Effects on the Nonlinear Creep Response of Concretetext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper