Gilbert, SethGuerraoui, RachidKowalski, DariuszNewport, Calvin2009-01-232009-01-232009-01-23200910.1109/INFCOM.2009.5062150 paper presents an efficient protocol for reliably exchanging information in a single-hop, multi-channel radio network subject to unpredictable interference. We model the interference by an adversary that can simultaneously disrupt up to t of the C available channels. We assume no shared secret keys or third-party infrastructure. The running time of our protocol depends on the gap between C and t: when the number of channels C =Omega(t^2), the running time is linear; when only C = t+1 channels are available, the running time is exponential. We prove that exponential-time is unavoidable in the latter case. At the core of our protocol lies a combinatorial function, possibly of independent interest, described for the first time in this paper: the multi-selector. A multi-selector generates a sequence of channel assignments for each device such that every sufficiently large subset of devices is partitioned onto distinct channels by at least one of these networkswireless networksjamminginformation exchangemulti-selectorscombinatorial data structuresNCCR-MICSNCCR-MICS/CL1Interference-Resilient Information Exchangetext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper