Scheibler, RobinBezzam, EricDokmanic, Ivan2018-12-132018-12-132018-12-132018-01-0110.1109/ICASSP.2018.8461310 present pyroomacoustics, a software package aimed at the rapid development and testing of audio array processing algorithms. The content of the package can be divided into three main components: an intuitive Python object-oriented interface to quickly construct different simulation scenarios involving multiple sound sources and microphones in 2D and 3D rooms; a fast C implementation of the image source model for general polyhedral rooms to efficiently generate room impulse responses and simulate the propagation between sources and receivers; and finally, reference implementations of popular algorithms for beamforming, direction finding, and adaptive filtering. Together, they form a package with the potential to speed up the time to market of new algorithms by significantly reducing the implementation overhead in the performance evaluation step.AcousticsEngineering, Electrical & ElectronicAcousticsEngineeringrirsimulationrapid prototypingreference implementationsreproducibilityPyroomacoustics: A Python Package For Audio Room Simulation And Array Processing Algorithmstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper