Venkitaraman, ArunFrossard, PascalChatterjee, Saikat2019-08-082019-08-082019-08-08201910.1109/ICASSP.2019.8682979 presence of sparse noise we propose kernel regression for predicting output vectors which are smooth over a given graph. Sparse noise models the training outputs being corrupted either with missing samples or large perturbations. The presence of sparse noise is handled using appropriate use of ℓ 1 -norm along-with use of ℓ2-norm in a convex cost function. For optimization of the cost function, we propose an iteratively reweighted least-squares (IRLS) approach that is suitable for kernel substitution or kernel trick due to availability of a closed form solution. Simulations using real-world temperature data show efficacy of our proposed method, mainly for limited-size training datasets.Kernel Regression for Graph Signal Prediction in Presence of Sparse Noisetext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper