Bacellar, CamilaChergui, Majed2022-08-012022-08-012022-08-012022-06-0110.2533/chimia.2022.538 this article we revisit our recent picosecond and femtosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) experiments, probing the ultrafast electronic and geometric evolution of photoexcited haem proteins, namely ferrous Nitrosyl Myoglobin (MbNO) and ferric Cytochrome c (Cyt c). We show through these two examples, combined with results from ultrafast optical spectroscopy, the universal be-havior of the excited state dynamics of ferric and ferrous haems. Regardless of the type of ligand, its dissociation or lack thereof, or the metal oxidation state, the photoexcited system relaxes through a cascade of excited spin states leading to formation of a high spin state, which results in doming of porphyrin.Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryChemistryheam proteinsultrafast dynamicsx-ray absorption spectroscopyx-ray emission spectroscopyprotein excited state dynamicsresolved resonance ramannitric-oxidecarbon-monoxidegeminate recombinationtransient absorptionstructural dynamicsmolecular-dynamicshydrogen-sulfideexcited-statecytochrome-cUltrafast X-ray Spectroscopy of Haem Proteinstext::journal::journal article::research article