Maréchal, FrançoisNguyen, Tuong-VanStadler, Paul MichaelSchnidrig, Jonas2020-10-082020-10-082020-10-082020-08-21 paradigm shift in the energy policy of the European Union confronts the member states with the task of developing future renewable and fossil-free energy systems. This change involves the installation of intermittent renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, which induce a demand for storage capacity. The modelling of smart cities with electrified mobility allows the optimisation of mobility and renewable energy combination. However, in order to analyse the system as a whole, system-based cross-sectoral energy models have to be used, including intersectoral exchange. Within this thesis the system-based and cross-sectoral energy planning tool EnergyScope will be adapted to mobility, in order to analyse the influence of different vehicle technologies on the energy system of two main agents of the European Union. Historical mobility data was analysed to predict the mobility behaviour of France and Germany for the year 2050. These estimates were integrated into two EnergyScope models with different temporal resolution and optimized according to thermoeconomic criteria. The model with the monthly resolution allowed to estimate the impact of vehicles with batteries, fuel cells, synthetic fuels and biofuels on the whole energy system. The model based on typical days allowed to visualize the influence of smart mobility such as vehicle-to-grid technologies in electric vehicle composition. The efficiency of the monthly model also allowed a Morris and Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis of the estimated parameters. The results show that the vehicle composition strongly depend on the existing renewable energy potential, with electric vehicles being the preferred technology for private passenger transport. Fuel cells are preferably used for road freight transport where electric trains cannot take over. Despite different energy strategies of France and Germany, the optimized energy systems differ mainly in primary energy consumption, with the installed technologies being largely the same. The promotion of synthetic or biofuels leads to an increase in primary energy demand, which pushes up emissions and costs compared to electrically based mobility. Hydrogen benefits from the possibility of energy storage through power-to-gas, although fuel cells for private mobility are not the pareto-optimal solution due to their higher purchase price compared to electric vehicles.Energy systemIntersectoral ModellingMILPAMPLEnergyscopeMobilityPower-to-GasVehicle-to-GridAssessment of green mobility scenarios on European energy systemsstudent work::master thesis