Reyhanitabar, RezaVaudenay, SergeVizár, Damian2014-12-092014-12-092014-12-09201510.1007/978-3-662-48116-5_20 propose pure OMD (p-OMD) as a new variant of the Offset Merkle-Damgård (OMD) authenticated encryption scheme. Our new scheme inherits all desirable security features of OMD while having a more compact structure and providing higher efficiency. The original OMD scheme, as submitted to the CAESAR competition, couples a single pass of a variant of the Merkle-Damgård (MD) iteration with the counter-based XOR MAC algorithm to provide privacy and authenticity. Our improved p-OMD scheme dispenses with the XOR MAC algorithm and is purely based on the MD iteration; hence, the name ``pure'' OMD. To process a message of $\ell$ blocks and associated data of $a$ blocks, OMD needs $\ell+a+2$ calls to the compression function while p-OMD only requires max{$\ell, a$}+$2$ calls. Therefore, for a typical case where $\ell \geq a$, p-OMD makes just $\ell+2$ calls to the compression function; that is, associated data is processed almost freely compared to OMD. We prove the security of p-OMD under the same standard assumption (pseudo-randomness of the compression function) as made in OMD; moreover, the security bound for p-OMD is the same as that of OMD, showing that the modifications made to boost the performance are without any loss of security.Authenticated encryptionOMDassociated dataperformanceCAESAR competitionBoosting OMD for Almost Free Authentication of Associated Datatext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper