Ciftlik, Ata TunaDupouy, Diego GabrielGijs, Martinus2013-01-302013-01-302013-01-30201310.1039/c3Lc41280f demonstrate data storage on glass/silicon microfluidic devices fabricated using parylene-C as a bonding layer. In particular, we report intermediate parylene-C bonding layer fluorescence (iPBLF) and its use as an on-chip medium for data storage by dynamic programming of iPBLF intensity, using alternating exposure of parylene-C to UV and Green light. This technique allows data on the microfluidic chip to be read, written and erased by a common fluorescent microscope. Until now, no studies have focused on storing data like expiry date, protocol or operational parameters on a chip. However, this can be useful to overcome certain automation challenges in industrial applications for which communication of information is required, like needed during operation of remote microfluidic platforms. Finally, we also demonstrate the application of iPBLF for detecting channel dimensions and positions, and for marking on-chip zones of particular interest.Programmable parylene-C bonding layer fluorescence for storing information on microfluidic chipstext::journal::journal article::research article