Bahr, AlexanderFeldman, AlexanderColli-Vignarelli, Edmund JamesRobert, StephanDehollain, CatherineMartinoli, Alcherio2012-05-292012-05-29201210.1109/ICUWB.2012.6340421 Impulse Radio (UWB-IR) is a technology that has great potential to solve numerous mobile robotic and asset tracking problems in GPS-denied environments. Our goal is to help software and hardware designers in improving the state-of-the-art in UWB-based robotic localization. We developed a test-bed where an UWB transmitter is attached to a mobile robot. By combining the received signals with the robot’s position log acquired through the dead-reckoning sensors, we obtain UWB signals which are well referenced with respect to the transmitter-receiver distance and orientation. In addition, we provide a model for every component of the setup. The entire setup allows us to simulate from first principles every aspect of an UWB localization system and then to implement low-level signal processing as well as higher-level modulation and localization techniques. We implement an Automatic Gain Control (AGC) algorithm to demonstrate the rapid proto-typing capabilities of the test-bed. Our work shows how an UWB robotic system and its models can be involved in all phases of the development of a technology that can help robot’s navigation, localization and communication algorithms.UWB localizationNCCR-MICSNCCR-MICS/UWB : High-throughput UWB localization for mobile robotsModeling and Benchmarking Ultra-Wideband Localization for Mobile Robotstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper