Khovalyg, Dolaana M.Hrnjak, Predrag S.Jacobi, Anthony M.2019-03-112019-03-112019-03-11201510.1115/ICNMM2015-48555 transfer mechanism during flow boiling of fluids in small channels differs significantly depending on whether two-phase flow is in slug or annular regime. Understanding of the transition conditions between homogeneous slug flow and annular two-phase flow is an important topic for mini-and microchannel heat exchangers performance optimization. The current study focuses on the analysis of thermodynamic equilibrium conditions of two neighboring two-phase flow regimes. In both flow patterns the total energy is equal at specific mass flux and vapor quality and those values can be used to mark the transition conditions.Thermodynamic Analysis of the Transition Between Slug and Annular Flow in Minichannelstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper