Menzer, FritzFaller, Christof2009-09-152009-09-152009-09-152009 extension of the Jot reverberator is presented, producing binaural late reverberation where the interaural coherence can be controlled as a function of frequency such that it matches the frequency-dependent interaural coherence of a reference binaural room impulse response (BRIR). The control of the interaural coherence is implemented using linear filters outside the reverberator’s recursive loop. In the absence of a reference BRIR, these filters can be calculated from an HRTF set.BRIRBinaural reverberationJot reverberatorHRTFfrequency-dependentinteraural coherenceBinaural reverberation using a modified Jot reverberator with frequency- dependent interaural coherence matchingtext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper