Bressler, ChristianAbela, RafaelChergui, Majed2006-02-272006-02-272006-02-27200810.1524/zkri.2008.0030 review. Time-resolved X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy with picosecond temporal resoln. is a new method to observe electronic and geometric structures of short-lived reaction intermediates. It combines an intense femtosecond laser source synchronized to the X-ray pulses delivered by a synchrotron light source (SLS). We present key expts. on charge transfer reactions as well as spin-crossover processes in coordination chem. compds. next to solvation dynamics studies of photogenerated at. radicals. These examples emphasize the observables at hand using ultrafast XAFS techniques, which include the d. of states, full and even partial changes in oxidn. state, and internuclear distances with milli-Angstrom accuracy. An outlook towards femtosecond studies and biol. relevant systems stresses the high potential of XAFS methods using new femtosecond X-ray sources like free electron lasers (XFELs).Density of statesEXAFS spectroscopyElectron transferMolecular structureMolecular structure determination methodsSpin transitionSynchrotron radiationXANES spectroscopy (exploiting EXAFS and XANES for time-resolved mol. structures in liqs.)Coordination compoundsIntermediates Role: PRP (Properties) (exploiting EXAFS and XANES for time-resolved mol. structures in liqs.)review EXAFS XANES time resolved mol structure liqExploiting EXAFS and XANES for time-resolved molecular structures in liquidstext::journal::journal article::research article