Albergante, M.Graves, J. P.Fasoli, A.Jucker, M.Lapillonne, X.Cooper, W. A.2011-01-182011-01-182011-01-182010 investigate the redistribution of the neutral beam driven current in the presence of small scale turbulence in the ITER steady-state scenario. Gyrokinetic simulations show that anomalous transport of beam ions can be larger than collisional estimates. The impact on the beam driven current in ITER is studied with a single particle following code. The results indicate that the current driven by the 1MeV neutral beam injection is not significantly redistributed by the microturbulent fields. The numerical investigation shows that a larger impact is expected for lower energy neutral beams.Numerical modelling of the electromagnetic turbulent transport of energetic ions in burning plasmastext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper