Gryn'ova, GannaLin, Kun-HanCorminboeuf, Clemence2018-12-252018-12-252018-12-252018-12-0510.1021/jacs.8b07985 performance and key electronic properties of molecular organic semiconductors are dictated by the interplay between the chemistry of the molecular core and the intermolecular factors of which manipulation has inspired both experimentalists and theorists. This Perspective presents major computational challenges and modern methodological strategies to advance the field. The discussion ranges from insights and design principles at the quantum chemical level, in-depth atomistic modeling based on multiscale protocols, morphological prediction and characterization as well as energy-property maps involving data-driven analysis. A personal overview of the past achievements and future direction is also provided.Chemistry, MultidisciplinaryChemistrycharge-carrier mobilityintermolecular interactionselectronic-propertiestransport propertiestheoretical characterizationtransfer integralssingle-crystalspolaron motionenergyparametersRead between the Molecules: Computational Insights into Organic Semiconductorstext::journal::journal article::research article