Roquier, GhislainLucarz, ChristipheMattavelli, MarcoWipliez, MatthieuRaulet, MickaelJanneck, Jorn W.Miller, Ian D.Parlour, David B.2010-01-202010-01-202010-01-20200910.1109/ISCAS.2009.5117876 possibility of specifying both SW and HW components using the same language is a very attractive design approach. However, despite the efforts spent for implementing such approach using common programming languages such as C and C++, it has not yet shown to be viable and efficient for complex design. The main reason is the difficulty of expressing architectural properties at the level of a common description, difficulty that finally results into the failure of synthesizing efficient HW and efficient parallel SW. This is not the case for dataflow programming that is well- suited to the description of complex real-world computational systems that may contain appreciable amounts of concurrency. A CAL [1, 2] dataflow program is a collection of actors connected by lossless first-in/first-out (FIFO) communication channels, through which they exchange packets of data called tokens. Each actor executes in a sequence of steps, during which it can (1) consume input tokens, (2) produce output tokens, (3) modify its own local state. Actors strictly encapsulate their state, i.e. they cannot directly use or modify the state of other actors. Consequently, executing actors concurrently does not cause race conditions on any state variables, which makes dataflow an excellent (and scalable) parallel programming model. This in turn is key to the generation of efficient HW and SW implementations. This demonstration presents an integrated environment that embeds the synthesis tool that translates a CAL-based dataflow specification into a heterogeneous implementation, composed by HDL and C codes. The demonstration focuses on the capability of the co-design environment to automatically build an executable heterogeneous system implementation running on a platform composed by a processor and a FPGA platform just by annotating the CAL specification. The possibility of direct synthesis from a high level specification is a crucial issue for enabling efficient re-design cycles that include rapid prototyping and validation of performances of the final implementation. The design approach enabled by such integrated environment is particularly suited for development of complex processing systems such as video codecs. As a case study, the demonstration provides the analysis and validation of different SW and HW partitioning of a MPEG-4 Simple Profile decoder.An integrated environment for HW/SW co-design based on a CAL specification and HW/SW code generatorstext::conference output::conference proceedings::conference paper