De Almeida Santos, Anna Karla2023-03-162023-03-162023-03-162022-07-05 company town can be defined as a settlement completely owned by an entrepreneur or a company, which builds and manages the community following business and production needs, coordinating all the facilities, including the houses, stores, the school, and even the chapel. To understand the company town palimpsest and truly consider these cities and their different historical strata, it is necessary to observe the temporalities these cities encompassed. In Dalmine, the reading of the company town allow us to have a glance in a past utopia, materialised in architecture and immortalised in their business archives.Dalminecompany townindustrial heritageindustrial urbanismConditions of habitability in a Persistent Company Town. Rethinking the industrial cities and their productive habitatstext::conference output::conference presentation